Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Hysterical Blindness: It Might Look One Way Right Now...

Now that I have your attention with that title, let me define Hysterical Blindness.
"Hysterical Blindness, is a type of conversion disorder or psychological condition in which trauma from an injury or illness renders an individual unable to see temporarily."
There are many causes of this disorder, but most of them point to some type of anxiety or other psychological trauma that triggers temporary blindness. As Christian believers we MUST keep eternity in mind, in order to maintain our spiritual eyesight and balance.  When we focus entirely on ourselves and most assuredly when we focus on a negative personal situation, those things become the greatest driving force in our lives. Concurrently, God's providence and daily influence in our life begins to shrivel. We have to consistently practice looking at all of life's circumstances through the lens of our faith.  By doing this we will truly begin to  understand that we are partakers of the FINISHED WORK of our God.   We are delivered from any lingering entanglements and are more than conquerors through Christ Jesus, even while we presently sit in a painful situation! When the world diagnoses hysterical blindness, they often prescribe counseling, psychoanalysis, or hypnosis to address the emotional causes of the condition. A spiritual 'one-two' punch to a case of spiritual blindness or emotional turmoil is found in prayer and by serving others whose particular situation is worse or at times may even be equal to your own.  There is a song that took the world by storm many years ago that simply says "open the eyes of my heart Lord, I want to see you."  These lyrics are a great expression and serve as a spiritual barometer. You are VICTORIOUS right now because of Christ!  There is absolutely NO-THING seen or unseen that can stop you from reaching your goal and realizing destiny.  Be Encouraged and by all means continue to fight the good fight of faith!

With Love,
Pastor Meghan

Monday, February 10, 2014

Holy Taste Buds...

"How sweet are your words to my taste." Psalm 119:03

Christianity cannot ever be reduced to an itemized list of Do's and Don'ts.  It isn't a matter of what we can sacrifice. The Word of God explains that "obedience is better than sacrifice.” (1 Sam. 15:22)  It is a matter of what we take pleasure in, what we truly love, or simply, what tastes good to us.  

When Jesus came to the world, humanity was seemingly irreparably split into two camps, based solely on what they loved.  The Light came into this world because man over time developed a taste for darkness to the neglect of all things light. (John 3:19).  Those seeking to live the right way (the righteous) and the wicked were separated simply by what they took pleasure in.  Some actively sought the revelation of God while many others actively chose the ways of the world. 

If you are reading this blog post and asking yourself and/or God exactly how you can consistently find gratification in the Word of God and wholly desire the plan of God for your life. My response to you would be to continue your conversation with God in prayer, and ask for new taste buds on the ‘tongue’ of your heart and soul (mind, will, emotions).  Secondly, delve wholeheartedly into the Word of God and convince yourself of all of the great promises God has made to His people.  By focusing on the massive ‘spiritual feast’ that God has laid before each of us it will surely change our appetites. 

Let me be clear, not one of us naturally has an appetite for the things of God. (Rom. 3:23)  The miraculous work of God is that the more we spend quality time with Him and seek to gain the wisdom of God through His Word, those things that we used to do simply won’t satisfy us anymore.