Saturday, July 31, 2010

Can You Hear Your Purpose Calling?

Change of Heart Poster (Version 2)Image by Will Hale via Flickr
The past few months I have experienced a knowing unlike anything I have ever experienced before. It appears that my character, personality and even my preferences have all come into alignment. Now don’t get me wrong this alignment and balance does not come with the elimination of turmoil and difficulty but in the midst of the craziness of life, I have come to a place of Divine peace and inexplicable joy. I have often heard from "my elders" that as you grow, you come to a place where you are moved less by your questions and more by your answers. It seems that while you are in your teens, there is this endless line of rebellious questioning that you subject not only yourself, but your parents, friends and associates to. By your twenties you take a step back from the constant barrage of antagonistic responses to what is "normal" or expected and begin to really investigate areas that were off-limits as an adolescent. Your new-found adulthood leads you to decisions that at the time not only threatened to define who you were, but also seemed to chain you to some ideal of who you would become. I am so glad that as I mature not only in years but also in my relationship with the Lord that I understand that regardless of our blatant teenage rebellion, and the wanderings of our twenties that we are and have always been a child of God, whose purpose was designed even before we took shape in our mother's wombs!!! We have got to take the tremendous weight of decision off of our shoulders and practice (even in the small things) to completely DEPEND ON GOD, not just in the Divinity and power of God, but trust the plan of God for our lives. I am talking about a dependence that will allow you to release the angst and turmoil that is life; regardless of age, relationships, career, family, expectations, and finances to truly trust that the guidance of the Holy Spirit in your life will get you to and as a matter of fact already has you at your place of Purpose. Even as I conclude this blog and hit send and all of the noise of life comes flooding back to my consciousness, I have the amazing opportunity to say to all of it, "Be quiet, I can hear my purpose calling!"
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